Sometimes it's more about what you take with you from an experience is more valuable than it is what you accomplished.

The production manager for the festival posted in the community page for High Sierra Music Festival which is my non-negotiable festival each year, about this festival that they were putting on in Sayulita, Mexico - called Sand and Strings Music Festival.

In true fashion of 'collecting failures' this year ( ie. putting myself out there, for things I want - and letting the cards fall as they may) I decided to reach out to him and throw my name in the hat. They already had a paid media team and at the time didn't feel the need to bring anyone on. About a month before the festival, I got a message saying "Hey, we'd love if you can come but we can really only offer a free ticket for the festival".

Hmmm. Music festival on the beach in Mexico.... Kind of hard to say no.

So, in honor of my 35th birthday, I decided to take myself on this trip - to do what I love and explore somewhere new.

Unfortunately, food poisoning took me down for 24 hours on the second night and I missed the first day of the festival. I was able to witness a beautiful intimate gathering of the artists for a pre-party jam session on Thursday night and Saturday at the festival! As much as I wish I had ALL the energy in the world.... I just didn't and I had to be okay with doing the best I could.

Even though laying in bed on a trip you paid to be on and missing out on the very thing you're there to do, really stinks. The trip became more about showing up 2,000k miles away from home solo to do what I love and trusting myself to explore a new to me city in another country without knowing anyone I was headed there to work alongside.

The trip became more about remembering I belong in the room - I was ASKED to be there. What an honor.

My favorite photo from Thursday night artist gathering.... one of those images that you just go, oh HELL YEAH! @whiskerman